
by free!ndeed e.V.

Health & Fitness


Addicted to pornography? The free!ndeed app is your immediate help in the moment of temptation. The S.O.S. Button guides you through 5 effective and practical steps to help you stay free from pornography - just when you need it most.Open the app on your smartphone whenever and wherever you want. It helps you to remain steadfast in the moment of temptation and leads you back to freedom.KNOWN FROMThe book “Free. Man. Be. Face the fight for sexual purity”, which was published by SCM R. Brockhaus Verlag in June 2018.WHY FREE!NDEED APP* Resolutely face temptation* Train fortitude at the moment when things are hardest for you* Build the crucial new habit that will keep you permanently purified* Based on the success principles of free!ndeeds employees, who have permanently overcome their pornography addiction even after years of addiction* With S.O.S. Immediate help, training in decision-making skills, motivation through texts and videos, as well as help to learn to reward yourself meaningfully* The only app that helps you fight the spiritual battle through prayer and proclamation of Bible versesYOUR ADVANTAGES* Lasting loyalty to yourself by overcoming pornography addiction* Improved focus and more time for the things that really matter to you* Pro-actively deal with your challenges and increased self-awareness* Growth in the use of your free will* Purity in your conscience and a deeper relationship with God* Happier life through honesty and integrityCONNECT WITH FREE!NDEEDYoutube: you have questions or Feedback? Reach us at [email protected] free!ndeed team